The roar of the road rumbles beneath the feet
Passing with destructive ease across the street
Metal and glass rocket with tremendous speed
On some long-forgotten meadow

Towers crumble high across the city wide
Monuments of power holding back the tide
Emblems of populous industrious might
Having removed the last willow

To this some mourn and lament the loss
Protest the death of forest trees and moss
Spite the silver for a bit of polished dross
Claim there will be no tomorrow

Riddle me this those whose cares may fain
Have you never ventured to the wide-open plain
Or explored the trails of a lush wooded lane
And still find reason for sorrow?

The earth is ours to tend there is no doubt
But it’s not worth this childish sulking about
A new garden we’ll find when trumpet sound
Does He not take care of the sparrow?