Arrange dear Lord the pieces of my heart,
Remove the wrath attached to care.
It was you who knit me from the start,
Now bind together with this prayer.

Of gain and greed the heart does cling,
Malice chased with haughty concern.
Shrouded idols of worthless things, 
My slothful heart does idly turn.

What love that beats it matters not,
If the heart be so less changed.
Of good deeds or noble thoughts, 
Still pulse the madness of selfish pain. 

Orchestral chamber pounding in four,
One note for unbridled ambition. 
Another for praising a sovereign Lord,
Opposed in opposite direction.

There remains two of cares to come,
The final loss be all for naught.
Extract one ounce of selfless love,
Please grant the heart to please my God.