• To Understand and Know

    By Joshua Williams

    My eldest son and I recently traveled to Colorado to attend a special broadcast event. It was a truly blessed time as he and I found moments to enjoy one another’s fellowship…

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  • The Broken Mirror

    By Joshua Williams

    Have you ever entered the hall of mirrors at a carnival or summer fair? This timeless amusement is especially fun for younger kids. They have a great time bumping into walls which…

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  • Wayward Pilgrim

    By Joshua Williams

    With heavy shield and nimble sword, the pilgrim gallantly strides,The story told of Christian's journey second only to holy script.Yet when reader wrongly identifies as protagonist to foe,The story takes an unpredicted…

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  • Beach at sunset

    Fortunes of Grace

    By Joshua Williams

    This month my wife and I celebrate our twenty-second wedding anniversary. It will be twenty-two years on the twenty second of June. For more than two decades, we have witnessed the grace…

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  • Lavender

    The Masters Vineyard

    By Joshua Williams

    A couple of weeks ago while my wife and I were traveling the countryside, we decided to stop at a small but popular town for a quick bite to eat. We visited…

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  • Field of Choosing

    By Joshua Williams

    Give me a field I may labor in, a spot of earth all mine to till, Allow for but one minute sliver of this small and blessed orb. For there is no…

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  • Bush next to a arch

    In Need of a Savior

    By Joshua Williams

    Throughout history, mankind has sought to answer many profound questions. Where did we come from? What happens after we die? Are we alone in the universe? Religion, philosophy, and scientific reasoning desperately…

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  • Cherry Blossom

    For Every Season

    By Joshua Williams

    In the 1966 film adaptation of “A Man for all Seasons,” Paul Scofield, who reprised the role of Sir Thomas More, delivered a stunning theatrical performance which was both gripping and insightful.…

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  • Starry night

    The Hour of Shadows

    By Joshua Williams

    Seated astride the incarnate homeless rabbi As Michelangelo captured the gathering scene And set the table for thirteen nomadic disciples The question was asked and answer displayed Consuming the same bread dipped…

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  • Sun glowing behind grass

    Bread of the World

    By Joshua Williams

    Over my years as a musician and worship director, I’ve accumulated a modest collection of traditional hymnals and chorus music books along with an ever expanding library of poetry and scripture essays.…

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